The full moon on April 5, 2023 is known as Pink Moon, Growing Moon or Hare Moon. This full moon is in Libra, opposite the sun sign Aries. It occurs at 22:34 Eastern Time.
It is the last full moon before the Wiccan feast of Beltane on May 1st, so you should cleanse and charge your tools at this time.
April Wiccan Correspondences
Flowers: daisies and sweet peas
Stones: diamonds
April Full Hare Moon Menu
White Bean & Rosemary Dip
Potato Frittata
Rhubarb Crisp
You can use your own menus or the ones in my Witches’ Cook Book. It has recipes for every full moon, plus the 8 Wiccan Festivals on the Wheel of the year, for a total of 56 recipes.
April 2023 Full Air Moon (Libra) Ceremony for Balance
Libra is represented by a set of scales, so rituals to increase balance in your life and in your partnerships are suitable. This is also an ideal opportunity for spells to promote friendship and working with others. If there has been a rift with family or friends, healing spells are appropriate. You can find a spell for balance in my Full Moon Spells Guide. My Wheel of the Year book Simple Wiccan Magick Spells & Ritual Ceremony, contains a Spring Equinox meditation for balance.
This is the last full moon before the Wiccan festival of Beltane on May Eve, April 30th or May 1st, so you should cleanse and charge your Witches’ tools and talismans at this time.
Blessed be!
Simple Wiccan Magick Spells™