Samhain Spells Witches’ New Year October 31, 2015

Samhain SpellsOctober 31st is the Wiccan feast of Samhain, the Witches’ New Year. Samhain is a traditional time for remembrance and release. We also plan for a more prosperous future by releasing any negative energy that prevents us from reaching our goals.

Samhain Spell for Remembrance and Release

If you need a spell or ritual to celebrate this important date on the Wheel of the Year, my eBook Simple Wiccan Magick Spells & Ritual Ceremony has one that will help set you on the path to a wonderful new year.

You will need: one orange candle, one black candle, lavender oil, cedar incense, one small, flat stone, a black-ink pen and your Book of Shadows, and a quiet, comfortable place where you will not be disturbed. If the weather permits, you can even sit outside.

If you are making a Witches’ belt, you can add a black ribbon or cord at this time.

Samhain Correspondences

Colours & Candles: black, orange, copper

Flowers: mums, calendula, cosmos, sage, mugwort

Incense: Cedar

Stones: Smoky quartz, opal, black obsidian

Samhain Menu

Apple & Pecan Salad

Beef & Beer Stew

Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Happy Samhain and Blessed be!

Wheel of the Year, Wiccan Traditions , ,

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