Monthly Archives: November 2015

December 2015 Dark Moon Spells & Rituals

Ancient pagans and modern Wiccans know that different phases of the moon have magickal properties. The dark moon, which is the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon, is the … Continue reading

Moon Spells & Rituals

Yule Winter Solstice December 22, 2015 Spells & Rituals

In 2015, the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere falls on Dec 22 and is the first day of winter in the Northern hemisphere.  Known as Yule on the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, at this time, the hours of … Continue reading

Wheel of the Year, Wiccan Traditions , , ,

Full Beaver Moon November 25, 2015 Spells & Rituals

­The full moon on November 25, 2015 is called Beaver Moon, Dark Moon or Fog Moon. As it falls in the sun sign of Sagittarius, it will be a full Air moon in the opposite sign Gemini. It occurs in the … Continue reading

Moon Spells & Rituals

Hechizos y Rituales Luna Llena de Noviembre 25, 2015 en Géminis

En 2015, la luna llena de Noviembre es el día 25. La luna llena de Noviembre es conocida como la Luna del Castor, Luna Oscura o Luna de la Niebla. Las flores asociadas a este mes son los crisantemos; las … Continue reading

Hechizos de Luna Llena ,

Dark Moon Wiccan Spells & Rituals November 2015

Ancient pagans and modern Wiccans know that different phases of the moon have magickal properties. The dark moon, which is the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon, is the … Continue reading

Moon Spells & Rituals