Monthly Archives: December 2015

Dark Moon Wiccan Spells & Rituals January 2016

Ancient pagans and modern Wiccans know that different phases of the moon have magickal properties. The dark moon, which is the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon, is the … Continue reading

Moon Spells & Rituals

Full Moon in Cancer Spells & Rituals December 25, 2015

The full moon on December 25, 2015 is known as Cold Moon, Open Moon or Big Winter Moon. As it occurs in the sun sign Capricorn, it becomes a full water moon in the opposite sun sign Cancer. As this … Continue reading

Moon Spells & Rituals

Hechizos y Rituales de Luna Llena Diciembre 25 en Cáncer

En 2015, la luna llena de Diciembre es el día 25. La luna llena de Diciembre se llama Luna Fría, Luna Abierta o Luna del Gran Invierno. Las flores correspondientes son narciso, flor de pascua y acebo; las piedras son … Continue reading

Hechizos de Luna Llena ,