Samhain October 31st 2018 Witches’ New Year’s Spells & Rituals

On October 31st, Wiccans celebrate the festival of Samhain, which is our New Year’s Eve. Samhain is a traditional time for remembrance and we plan for a prosperous future by releasing the negative energy of the past. The commercial event of Halloween has taken our traditions of communing with spirits and used it as part of the current October 31st festivities.

Samhain Correspondences

Colours & Candles: black, orange, copper

Flowers: mums, calendula, cosmos, sage, mugwort

Incense: Cedar

Stones: Smoky quartz, opal, black obsidian

 Samhain Menu

Apple & Pecan Salad

Beef & Beer Stew

Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Samhain Spell for Remembrance and Release

During this ceremony, you will recall memories of your past. You will summon long-gone friends and ancestors and ask them what wisdom or advice they can offer for your future. You will remember the highs and lows of the past year, compliment yourself on your successes and forgive your failures.

Then, you will envision the new year of your dreams, filled with love, prosperity and good health. Finally, you will create a personal talisman to help remind you of your plans for the future.

You will find spells and recipes for Samhain in my Wiccan Wheel of the Year guide.

Blessed be and Happy Samhain!

Wheel of the Year

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