Moon worship has been around since the earliest days and Wiccans today use the correspondences of the Moon to fulfil our dreams and align ourselves with the universe. Dark moon energy is like all vibration – it causes an effect even though you can’t see it. This month’s Dark Moon occurs on Tuesday October 25 at 06:48 a.m. ET which is 10:48 a.m. UTC. It is the perfect time to heal, renew and rebuild, especially before the Wiccan festival of Samhain on October 31st.
There is some ambiguity around the terms dark moon and new moon. For our purposes, we will follow the astrological version, which means the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon.
October Dark Moon Ritual to Release Regret
Regret can be a most debilitating emotion as it can prevent you from moving forward and appreciating the life you have. It can also be a valuable experience, as long as you make the effort to learn from it.
This spell uses the following correspondences: Hyssop for cleansing the aura and Jasmine for a healthy aura and psychic protection. Your touch stone, which you will use during the spell and as a reminder afterwards, is Lapis Lazuli to dissolve emotional bondage.
My eBook Dark Moon Spells & Rituals contains 15 simple spells, including the one above, that take advantage of the special energy of the Dark Moon. All the spells follow traditional Wiccan correspondences using candles, crystals and herbes that are easy to find. They help to maximize the energy of these dark moon spells.
Blessed be!
Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™
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