Full Moon October 8, 2014 Rituals & Spells

Full Moon Hunter Moon October 18, 2013The full moon on October 8, 2014 is called Hunter’s Moon, Falling Leaf Moon or Blood Moon.  This full fire moon in Aries exudes positive energy and enhances your enthusiasm. It’s an ideal time for Wiccan spells and rituals to enhance boldness, daring deeds and audacity.

This full moon might also be a super moon, depending on whose definition you read. However, there will certainly be a lunar eclipse. Since the full moon and eclipse take place in the early morning hours of October 8, (6:50 AM EDT), you should do your spell work on the evening of the 7th and leave your tools and talismans out to charge overnight.

October Correspondences

Flowers: Calendula and Marigold

Stones:  Morganite or pink Emerald, Opals and Tourmaline.

Advance Preparation

Before the night of the full moon, find a photograph that shows you at your most joyous and enthusiastic.  Were you zip-lining through the jungle? Creating the perfect dish at a cooking class? Getting married or receiving an award?  It doesn’t matter whether the photo was taken ten days or ten years ago, what counts is your passionate expression.

Place this picture in a small frame. You can paint the frame orange or glue the photo to an orange background.


Find a quiet, comfortable place where you will not be disturbed. You will need the following items: one orange candle, angelica oil and incense, a pen with blue ink, a self-portrait in an orange frame.

Use the oil to anoint the candle and your forehead. Light the candle and the incense and sit silently for a few moments, holding your photograph. Close your eyes and ask the Goddess or the Universe to guide your meditation. When you feel the time is right, say the following affirmation:

Full moon wish, joy and bliss.  May I always feel like this. So mote it be!

Hold the picture in your hands and recall the exact moment when your heart was filled with so much joy and enthusiasm. Chances are, you had to expend some effort to get to that state, but the end result was well worth it.  Hold the blissful feelings in your mind and make notes about the experience in your Book of Shadows. Write the affirmation down and dab the corners of the page with angelica oil.

When you are ready, give thanks for your blessings and extinguish the candle.


Cucumber salad with rice vinegar dressing and toasted sesame seeds.

Ginger Chicken Stew

Carrot Cake with Chocolate Glaze

If you need recipes or  the full ritual ceremony for the October Hunter moon, you will find them in my eBook Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells & Rituals,

Moon Spells & Rituals

Autumn Equinox Spells & Rituals September 22, 2014

The Autumn Equinox, or first day of fall, occurs on September 22, 2014. Also known as Mabon on the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, the Autumn Equinox is traditionally a time for spells and rituals pertaining to organization, future plans, self-discipline, balance and rest after labour. The hours of light and darkness are equal, just as they are at the Spring Equinox.

Not so long ago, fall was a period of hard work, harvesting the fields and preparing for the long winter ahead. Today, Wiccans use this festival to examine their year so far, and to adjust their plans for the future.

Autumn Equinox Correspondences

Colours: Orange, Brown, Yellow, Gold

Oil: Bergamot, Storax, Rosemary

Philtre: Motherwort, Blessed Thistle, Benzoin, Rosehips, Sage, Lavender

Candles: Yellow, Orange, Brown

Flowers: Hollyhock, Aster, Milkweed, Marigold, Bittersweet

Incense: Sage

Stones: Peridot, Citrine, Beryl, Chrysolite

A Preview of Your Future

If you need a ritual for Mabon, My Wheel of the Year guide has a meditation that will offer insight into your future. A portion appears below:

As you walk to the edge of the field, you notice one green stalk still unharvested, with a fresh ear of corn still attached.  You snap off the corn and anxiously pull down the husk. Instead of yellow kernels, the cob is studded with jewels and precious metals.

Remember what you see and write it down. You will check below later for the meaning of the jewelled cob! You put the “corn” in your pouch, give thanks and head home for a harvest feast with friends and loved ones.

Meanings for the following stones and metals are provided: Amber, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Diamond, Emerald, Garnet, Gold, Jade, Opal, Lapis lazuli, Pearl, Peridot, Ruby, Silver, Sapphire, Topaz, Turquoise.

Blessed be and Happy Autumn Equinox!

Wheel of the Year Guide Barnes & Noble

Wheel of the Year Guide for your iPad

Wheel of the Year ,

Wiccan Spells for September 8, 2014 Super Full Moon

On September 8, 2014, at 9:38 EDT, the third of three consecutive super full moons will appear. This full water moon is in the sign of Pisces, opposite to the sun sign Virgo. It’s known as Harvest Moon, Wine Moon or Singing Moon.

Wiccan rituals use this Piscean full moon to tap into clairvoyant powers, tell fortunes and interpret dreams.  Psychic powers are heightened now, as is the ability to communicate with the spirit world.


A supermoon is a full moon that appears within 24 hours of perigee, (when the moon is closest to the earth in its orbit). Since this orbit is elliptical, rather than circular, the moons distance to the earth varies. You might find that the energy is greater than usual, so use it to your advantage.

September Flowers: Aster and morning glory

September Stones: Blue sapphire and citrine

Spell to Increase Your Psychic Powers

A full moon in Pisces is the perfect time to tap into your clairvoyant powers, tell fortunes and interpret dreams.  Psychic powers are heightened now, as is your ability to communicate with the spirit world.  My book Simple Wiccan Magick Spells and Ritual Ceremony has a Samhain ritual for communing with those who have passed to the other side, so my Full Moon Spells & Rituals guide has a spell which uses Runes to help develop your inner sight.

Harvest Full Moon Menu

Mussels with Green Herbs

Oven-baked French Fries

Lemon Wafers

This full moon is also an ideal time to cleanse and charge your Witches’ tools in preparation for the Fall Equinox on September 23, 2014. All of my e-books on witchcraft are also available at Barnes & Noble and iTunes.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals

08 de Septiembre 2014 Luna Llena Hechizos et Rituales

En 2014, la luna llena de Septiembre es el día 8. Esta luna llena es una luna muy completa, ya que está más  cerca de la tierra. La luna llena de Septiembre también se le conoce como Luna de la Cosecha, Luna del Vino o Luna Cantante. Las flores correspondientes son áster y flores de don diego: las piedras son zafiro azul y citrina. Porque el signo solar es Virgo, (24 de Agosto al 23 de Septiembre), la luna llena es en Piscis.

La luna llena en Piscis es el momento perfecto para aprovechar tus poderes de clarividencia, adivinar el futuro e interpretar sueños. Los poderes psíquicos están ahora elevados, así como tu habilidad para comunicar con el mundo espiritual. Durante el ritual, utilizarás las Runas para ayudar a desarrollar tu interior.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena para incrementar tus poderes o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de Septiembre, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!

Hechizos de Luna Llena ,

Spells & Rituals for August 10, 2014 Super Full Moon

Sturgeon Full Moon August 2014On August 10, 2014, the second of three consecutive super full moons will appear. This full air moon is in Aquarius, the opposite of the sun sign Leo. It’s known as Corn Moon, Barley Moon or Sturgeon Moon. Wiccans use this time for spells and rituals around networking, resolving disputes and using personal power for the greater good. A super full moon means the moon is closer to earth and will appear bigger and brighter than usual.  You can expect the extra energy to super-change any spell work.

August Full Moon Correspondences

Corresponding flowers are gladiolas, poppies and sunflowers; stones are sardonyx, peridot and cat’s eye


Chilled Cucumber & Tomato Soup

Basil, Spinach & Pepper Pita Pizzas

Peach Clafouti

August Full Moon Spell to Share the Wealth

Everyone has a special talent they can use to assist others who are less fortunate. Even if you’re unable to donate money, you can offer your time by writing a newsletter, designing a flyer, setting up a website or making cookies for a bake sale. You could also teach these skills to others. My book Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells and Rituals has a spell that will help identify your special cause and how to move in that direction. Also available at Barnes & Noble and iTunes.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals

Hechizos y Rituales Luna Llena de Agosto 10, 2014 en Acuario

En 2014, la luna llena de Agosto es el día 10. La luna llena de Agosto se llama Luna de Maíz, Luna de cebada o Luna del Esturión. Las flores correspondientes son gladiolos, amapolas y giras oles: las piedras son ónice, peridoto y ojo de gato. Porque el signo solar es Leo (24 de Julio – 23 de Agosto), la luna llena es en Acuario.

La luna llena de agosto 2014 es una luna muy lleno, así que serán sobrealimentados hechizos y rituales. La luna llena en Acuario es el tiempo ideal para la creación de redes, resolver disputas y utilizar el poder personal para el bien mayor. Todos tienen un talento especial que pueden utilizar para ayudar a los que son menos afortunados. Este hechizo identificará la razón especial de tu afinidad y cómo canalizar tus talentos en esa dirección.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena para compartir la riqueza o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de Agosto, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!

Hechizos de Luna Llena ,

Wicca Spells & Rituals for Lammas August 1, 2014

Lammas is the Wiccan festival of appreciation for prosperity and also a time for spells and rituals to generate more good fortune in our lives. To me, this is one of the less well-known festivals on the Wheel of the Year, yet its theme is so important. In order to receive more of anything in our lives, we must first give thanks for what we already have. Lammas gives us the opportunity to review any unfinished business and to make plans for completion before the Autumn Equinox.

Lammas Correspondences

THEME: riches, prosperity, appreciation, sun going down

COLOURS: gold, yellow

OIL: heliotrope, frankincense

PHILTRE: sunflower, chamomile, lavender, juniper, hyssop, vervain, nasturtium, ivy

INCENSE: frankincense

CANDLES: yellow or gold

FLOWERS: gladiolus, nasturtium, yarrow, sunflower

STONES: aventurine, topaz, amber, cat’s eye

FOOD/DRINK: light red wine/chianti, ratatouille*, cornbread, nasturtium & greens salad, watermelon, zucchini walnut cake*

Lammas Spell for Prosperity and Appreciation

If you need a Lammas spell, you’ll find one in my Wheel of the Year eBook Simple Wiccan Magick Spells & Ritual Ceremony, along with recipes* to celebrate this festival.

You can download it through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Smashwords.

Blessed be and Happy Lammas!

*These recipes are included in my Wheel of the Year Guide as well as in my Simple Wiccan Magick Witches’ Cook Book.

Wheel of the Year, Wiccan Traditions ,

July 12, 2014 Full Supermoon Wiccan Spells & Rituals

July 12, 2014 Supermoon Spells & Rituals

On July 12, 2014, a full moon known as Thunder Moon, Hay Moon or Shallow Moon, will appear. It will be the first of three “supermoons” this year, which means that the moon is closer to the earth, giving your spells and rituals more power than usual.

This full moon is in the sign of Capricorn, which is opposite the sun sign Cancer.  In Wiccan traditions, spells and rituals for career advancement, improving social skills and planning for the future, are appropriate. You can also use this time to eliminate the deadwood in your life, in order to make room for positive rewards.

July Full Moon Correspondences

Flowers are honeysuckle and jasmine; stones are ruby and moonstone.

Menu Suggestions

Garden Vegetable Couscous

Watermelon Granita

Watermelon Granita

A simple and refreshing seasonal dessert.


1 lb watermelon, cut into chunks (or 2 cups/500 ml liquid

¼ cup/50 ml liquid honey

Juice of ½ lemon


Blend or process enough watermelon to produce 2 cups/500 ml of puree.  Combine with honey and lemon juice and marinate overnight in the refrigerator.

Freeze in an ice cream maker, following the manufacturer’s instructions or place mixture in a shallow metal pan and freeze for 2-3 hours.  Check consistency and whisk till smooth, then freeze again for an hour. Whisk again if needed to create a slushy texture.

Transfer to a serving bowl and let rest in the refrigerator for 10 minutes before serving. Makes 2 cups/500 ml of granita.


This spell helps to remove your doubts and fears so you can attract more success. If you need such a spell or would like more information on this and other full moons, you can download my eBook Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells and Rituals through Amazon or Apple, Kobo, Barnes and Noble or Smashwords.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals

Luna Llena de Julio 12 en Capricornio

En 2014, la luna llena de Julio es el día 12. La luna llena de Julio es llamada Luna del Trueno, Luna Superficial o Luna del Heno. Las flores correspondientes son madreselva y jazmín: las piedras son rubí y piedra de la luna. Porque el signo solar es Cáncer, (22 de Junio – 23 de Julio), la luna llena es en Capricornio.

La luna llena en Capricornio es apropiada para hechizos de apoyo al avance de la carrera, mejorar el estatus social y planificar para el futuro. También es momento adecuado para eliminar las cosas inútiles, lo viejo y lo extraño para recoger la recompensa positiva de tus labores. Este hechizo sirve para eliminar tus dudas y tus miedos, de manera que puedas atraer más éxito.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena para la confianza en el trabajo o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de Junio, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!

Hechizos de Luna Llena ,

Midsummer Wiccan Rituals & Spells June 21, 2014


MidsummerSpells2014The Pagan sabbat of Midsummer or summer solstice takes place on June 21, 2014 and marks the longest day of the year. In Wiccan traditions, the Holly King vanquishes the Oak King and we begin our slow and steady descent toward the darkness of winter.

Midsummer is an ideal time for spells and rituals to help you find direction, solutions to your problems and the determination to revolve them. Now is the opportunity to take control of your willpower before the lazy days of summer slow you down. My Wiccan Wheel of the Year Guide has a simple spell and meditation for direction and resolution. You will need vervain oil, rosemary incense and one gold candle.

You may already have a special Midsummer ceremony, or you may want to create your own. The following information will be helpful.

Midsummer /Summer Solstice Correspondences

Theme: strength, reward, confidence, decision making

Colours: yellow, red, orange, gold

Oil: lavender, vervain, elder

Philtre:  elder blossoms, mugwort, vervain, St. John’s wort, rosemary, rue

Candles: red, yellow, orange

Flowers: honeysuckle, lavender, roses, rue, any red, yellow & orange flowers

Incense: rosemary

Stones: agate, pearl, moonstone

Midsummer/Summer Solstice Menu

Decorate your midsummer table with yellow, gold, orange and red candles and an arrangement of honeysuckle, lavender, roses, vervain and any red, yellow and orange flowers. Tuck a few rue and rosemary sprigs into your arrangement.

Serve with a fresh cucumber salad and glass of elderflower wine or Riesling.

Midsummer Menu

Herbed Tomato Soup

Pesto Rotini Pasta

Herb & Flower Shortbread

You will find recipes for the menu above in my Wheel of the Year guide. My Witches’ Cook Book has recipes for every Sabbat, plus 12 full moons for a total of 56 recipes.

Blessed be and Happy Midsummer!

Wheel of the Year , ,

Wiccan Spells & Rituals for June 13, 2014 Full Moon

June2014FullMoonSpellPendulumOn June 13, 2014, a full fire moon will appear in the sign of Sagittarius. This June full moon is known as Mead Moon, Strawberry Moon, Honey Moon or Rose Moon. In Wiccan traditions, this is an ideal time for spells to bring about success in learning, education and long-term travel. Healing, forgiveness, independence and intuition are also highlighted.

You can use this full moon to cleanse and charge your Witches’ tools and herbes, to prepare them for your spellwork for Midsummer, or the Summer Solstice, on June 21.

June Full Moon Correspondences

Flowers: roses and lavender

Stones: agate and pearls

Menu: Beer Can Chicken, Oven-baked sweet potato fries, Strawberry Cake

June Full Moon Pendulum Spell for New Beginnings

Are you unsure about starting a project, or which new idea will be the most productive? You might want to use a pendulum, like a small weight on the end of a chain or string, to tease out the answers from your unconscious mind.

My Full Moon Spells and Rituals eBook has a simple spell using a pendulum, or you can follow your own ritual to ask the same question. You should use a purple candle and frankincense oil and incense. Tapping into your subconscious and thus, the power of the universe, will help set your course with confidence. And don’t worry about this full moon falling on Friday 13. Wiccans hold no superstitions about the number 13, so the full moon will still possess all of its magick and power.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals

Hechizos y Rituales ~ Luna Llena de Junio 2014 en Satigario

Full Strawberry MoonEn 2014, la luna llena de Junio es el día 13.  A la luna llena de Junio se le llama también Luna de Aguamiel, Luna de Fresa, Luna de Miel o Luna de la Rosa. Las flores asociadas a Junio son rosas y lavanda; las piedras son ágata y perlas. Porque el signo solar es Géminis, (22 de Mayo – 21 de Junio), la luna llena es en Sagitario.

Una luna llena en Sagitario es el momento idóneo para realizar hechizos para comienzos exitosos en las áreas del aprendizaje y educación, así como para viajes largos. Predominan las actividades al aire libre, así como la intuición, independencia, curación y perdón. Este hechizo se centra en utilizar tu intuición para ayudar a crear un comienzo nuevo en cualquier proyecto.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena del ritual del péndulo para nuevos comienzos o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de Junio, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico, Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!

Hechizos de Luna Llena ,

Full Flower Moon Spells & Rituals May 14, 2014

On May 14, 2014, a full water moon will appear in the sign of Scorpio. The May full moon is also known as Flower Moon or Merry Moon. In Wiccan traditions, this is the perfect time for warrior spells to win battles and to increase your personal power, courage and charisma.

This is one of my favourite spells, because it’s so easy to do. You will create a personal power talisman using a piece of your own jewellery, sage oil, sage incense and moonwater. If you’ve completed this ritual in the past, you can cleanse and charge your jewellery talisman at this time.

May Correspondences

Flowers: lily of the valley and foxglove;

Stones: Emerald and amber.

Suggested Menu

Simple Green Salad

Pasta with Clam Sauce

Lavender & Almond Butter Cookies

If needed, you will find more information on May full moon rituals in my Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells & Rituals eBook. It also contains recipes for each full moon. My Witches’ Cook Book has recipes for 12 full moons and 8 sabbats on the Wheel of the Year.  Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals

Hechizos y Rituales Luna Llena de 14 Mayo en Escorpio

En 2014, la luna llena de Mayo es el día 14. La luna llena de Mayo es conocida como la Luna de las Flores o Luna Feliz. Las flores correspondientes son lirio de los valles y dedaleras; las piedras son esmeralda y ámbar. Porque el signo solar es Tauro, (21 de Abril – 21 de Mayo),  la luna llena es en Escorpio.

La luna llena en Escorpio es el momento ideal para el hechizo del guerrero para ganar batallas e incrementar el poder personal, coraje y carisma. Crearás un talismán personal de poder para aumentar las posibilidades de éxito en el proyecto. Los talismanes Mágickos generalmente se rellenan de hierbas, pero puedes sustituirlo por tu pieza de joyería preferida para este fin.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena del guerrero para el poder o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de Mayo, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!

Hechizos de Luna Llena ,

Wiccan Spells & Rituals for Beltane May 1, 2014

Beltane May 1 2014May 1st is Beltane, the traditional Wiccan celebration of fertility and creative energy.

Beltane is an ideal time for spells and rituals designed to bring love and creativity into your life. My Wheel of the Year guide has a simple spell and meditation designed to do just that.  You will need one red candle, one green candle, almond or festival oil and jasmine incense. During ritual, you will make a talisman to channel love and creative energy and to remind you daily of your intent.

You may already have a special Beltane ceremony, or you may want to create your own. The following information will be helpful.

Beltane Correspondences

Colours: green, red, white

Oil: almond, sandalwood, attraction oil

Philtre: sweet woodruff, roses, lovage, vervain, periwinkle, heather, lemon, mint, lemon balm, mistletoe, jasmine, damaina

Candles: red, white, green

Flowers: rose, ivy, sweet pea, lily of the valley, daisy

Incense: jasmine

Stones: carnelian, emerald, coral, lapis, gold, malachite

Beltane Menu

Decorate your table with seasonal flowers, such as roses, sweet pea, lily of the valley, daisies and greenery like ivy. Green and red candles symbolize the twin themes of love and creativity. Start your meal with a glass of mead, sparkling wine or Prosecco.

Cheese & Chive Wafers

Pasta & Fresh Vegetables

Honey-Almond Pound Cake

You will find recipes for the menu above in my Wheel of the Year guide. My Witches’ Cook Book has recipes for every Sabbat, plus 12 full moons for a total of 56 recipes.

Blessed be and Happy Beltane!

Wheel of the Year , ,

Hechizos y Rituales 15 de Abril 2014 de la Luna Llena

Pink Full Moon HareEn 2014, la luna llena de Abril es el día 15. La luna llena de Abril se le conoce como Luna Rosada, Luna Creciente o Luna de la Liebre. Las flores correspondientes son margaritas y guisantes de olor; la piedra es el diamante. Porque el signo solar es Aries (21 de Marzo – 20 de Abril),  la luna llena es en Libra.

Esta luna llena es el momento ideal para hechizos que promuevan la amistad y el trabajo con otros. Si ha habido alguna desavenencia con la familia o amigos, los hechizos de curación son los apropiados. El signo solar en Libra está representado por un conjunto de escalas, de manera que los rituales que incrementen el balance en tu vida y en el de las personas con las que tengas relación son idóneos.

También hay un eclipse lunar durante la luna llena, el 15 de abril, lo que significa que los hechizos son más poderosos.

Si deseas un hechizo para las relaciones de pareja y amistad o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de Abril, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!

Hechizos de Luna Llena ,

Wiccan Spells & Rituals Full Pink Moon April 15, 2014

Pink Full Moon HareFULL AIR MOON IN LIBRA April 15, 2014

The full moon on April 15, 2014 is known as Pink Moon, Growing Moon or Hare Moon. Because it happens in the sun sign Aries, (March 21 – April 20), it is considered to be a full air moon in Libra.

The sun sign Libra is represented by a set of scales, so rituals to increase balance in your life and in your partnerships are suitable. This is also an ideal opportunity for spells to promote friendship and working with others. If there has been a rift with family or friends, healing spells are appropriate.

My Wheel of the Year book Simple Wiccan Magick Spells & Ritual Ceremony contains a Spring Equinox meditation for balance.

A total lunar eclipse also takes place on April 15, so it’s an especially auspicious time to perform full moon spells and rituals as their potency will be greatly increased. Scientists are calling this a “Blood Moon,” as the moon’s proximity to the earth will give it an intense red glow.

April Full Moon Correspondences

Flowers: daisies and sweet peas

Stones: diamonds

Seasonal Menu Suggestions:

White Bean & Rosemary Dip

Potato Frittata

Rhubarb Crisp

You can use your own rituals and recipes or the ones in my Full Moon Spells & Rituals Guide. My Witches’ Cook Book also has recipes for every full moon, plus the 8 Sabbats on the Wheel of the year, for a total of 56 recipes.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals ,

Rituals & Spells for Ostara/Spring Equinox March 20, 2014

Spring Equinox 2014Ostara or Spring Equinox, is one of the eight festivals on the Wiccan Wheel of the Year. In 2014, it takes place on March 20.  Ostara was the Goddess of Spring, representing all that was new and fresh. Many of our current traditions, such as spring cleaning, and Easter celebrations with eggs, rabbits and hot crossed buns, are based on ancient Pagan traditions.

Because the hours of dark and light are equal, it is also an ideal time to find balance in your life.


Candles: mauve, pink, pale green, blue & yellow, pastels

Flowers: daffodil, jonquil, violet, dogwood, spring bulbs

Stones: bloodstone

Ostara Menu:

Rose Wine, Eggs,

Lamb & Barley Stew

Hot Crossed Buns


My Simple Wiccan Magick Wheel of the Year Guide has recipes for your celebration as well as a ritual to help you find balance in your life.

The Balancing Eggs Ritual requires some advance preparation, but you will use your intuition and the powerful colour correspondences of the chakras, to determine your strengths and weaknesses for the coming year. This spell can be done alone or in the company of like-minded people.

Blessed be and Happy Ostara!

Wheel of the Year , ,

Rituales y Hechizos Luna Llena Marzo 16, 2014

March Full Storm MoonEn 2014, la luna llena de Marzo es el día 16. La luna llena de Marzo se llama Luna  del Gusano, Luna de la Tormenta o Luna del Cuervo. Las flores correspondientes son narcisos y junquillos; las piedras son aguamarina y sanguinaria. Porque el signo solar es Piscis (20 de Febrero – 20 de Marzo), la luna llena es en Virgo.

La luna llena en Virgo es el momento ideal para llevar a cabo rituales que purifiquen la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu. Este ritual de luna llena limpiará y rejuvenecerá tu espíritu.

Si deseas un hechizo para la purificación espiritual o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de marzo, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico, Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!

Hechizos de Luna Llena ,

Wiccan Full Moon Spells & Rituals March 16, 2014

Wicca March Full MoonThe full moon on March 16 is called Worm Moon, Storm Moon or Crow Moon.  At this time, the ruling sun sign is Pisces, which gives us a full earth moon in Virgo.


Flowers: daffodils and jonquils

Stones: aquamarine and bloodstone

March Full Moon Spells & Rituals:

You should perform rituals to purify the mind, body and soul. As you release any negative energy, you must remember to consciously replace it with positive vibrations, as nature always fills a void.

In winter, we often spend additional time indoors, so residual toxicity can be persistent. My book Simple Wiccan Magick Spells for Everyday contains a ritual to cleanse and bless the home, so we will use this full moon to reduce any noxious vibrations within ourselves.


The full moon on March 16 is an ideal time to cleanse and charge your tools and herbes for the upcoming Spring Equinox.

Advance Preparation

On the night of the full moon, you will take a bath with a special mix of cleansing herbes. While soaking, you will meditate on tonight’s theme of spiritual cleansing and purification.  Later, during the ritual, you will write down any negative thoughts you’ve been feeling, fold them inside a black or dark blue envelope and safely burn them.

March Full Moon Menu

Serve with baby spinach leaves with toasted pine nuts and balsamic vinaigrette.

Asparagus, Mushroom & Garlic Risotto

Cinnamon-Ginger Cupcakes

If you need more information on the rituals or recipes mentioned above, you will find them in my Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells & Rituals eBook.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals

Hechizos y Rituales ~ Luna Llena de Febrero 14, 2014

En 2014, la luna llena en Febrero es el día 14. La luna llena de Febrero se llama Luna de Nieve, Luna de Hielo o Luna Salvaje. Las flores de Febrero son violetas y prímulas; las piedras son amatista y cristal de roca. Porque el signo solar es Acuario (21 de Enero al 19 de Febrero), la  luna llena es en Leo.

La luna llena de Leo es el momento ideal para soñar en grande, apuntar a las estrellas y lanzar tu buena fortuna. Muchas veces rechazamos lo que realmente queremos, simplemente porque no nos lo imaginamos sucediendo, así que este hechizo te ayudará a pensar en grande.

Si deseas un hechizo para crear grandes sueños o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de Febrero, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena 

¡Bendito seas!

Hechizos de Luna Llena ,

Wiccan Spells for Full Snow Moon February 14, 2014

Full Snow Moon Feb 2014The full moon on February 14 is known as Snow Moon, Ice Moon or Wild Moon. As the sun is in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, this full moon is in the opposite sign of Leo.

Wiccan tradition says a full moon in Leo is the ideal time for spell work that enables you to shoot for the stars and boost your good fortune. So many times we deny what we really want, simple because we cannot imagine it happening. Nothing happens without believing it will, so focus your intent with a simple Spell for Bigger Dreams from my Full Moon Spells & Rituals ebook.

February Flowers:  violets and primroses

February Stones: amethyst and rock crystal.

February Full Moon Menu

 Arugula salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette

Farfalle Pasta & Hot Sausage

Pears in Red Wine

For twenty seasonally-inspired menus with 56 delicious recipes for celebrating the 12 Full Moons and 8 Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year, download my ebook Simple Wiccan Magick Witches’ Cook Book.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals

What is the Wiccan Wheel of the Year?

Wheel of the YearOne of the most popular questions from beginner or novice Witches concerns the Wheel of the Year. Since ancient times, our ancestors celebrated the annual solar cycle of the four seasons and their midpoints.

These eight festivals are rich with symbolic meanings and many were appropriated by Christians as a way to expedite the conversion of pagan people. For example, the spring equinox celebration of Oestre or Ostara is now Easter; Samhain, on October 31st, is now Halloween, which evolved from the Christian All Hallow’s Eve on the same date.

Different candles, oils, philtres, flowers and stones, as well as food and drink, correspond or best relate to each festival on the Wheel of the Year. By using these time-proven correspondences we are able to generate the most powerful and effective magick.


Samhain – October 31

Samhain (pronounced sow-in) is the Witches’ New Year. Here, we remember our past, including departed loved ones and friends. We also plan for the future with new hopes, dreams and ambitions.

Yule/Winter Solstice – December 21

Yule or Winter Solstice brings the longest night of the year. From now until the Summer Solstice (June 21) daylight hours will increase. The Oak King, who brings with him the return of longer days, now vanquishes the ancient Holly King, who represents the longer nights. It’s a good time to tap into your personal alchemy.

Imbolc/Candlemas – February 1

Imbolc or Candlemas is the feast of the waxing light as we now become more aware of the lengthening of the days. It’s a traditional time for Wiccan initiation.

Spring Equinox/Ostara – March 21

The festival of Ostara or Spring Equinox, takes place on the day when the hours of light and dark are of equal length. Ostara was the Goddess of Spring, signifying all that was new and fresh. In the past, old fires were extinguished and the grates were cleaned and this is the origin of the tradition of spring cleaning. Balance and energy breaking out are Wiccan themes for Ostara.

Beltane/May Eve – April 30

The feast of Beltane or May Eve is the traditional Witches’ celebration of fertility and creative energy. On May Day, bonfires were lit, garlands were worn and carols sung. Suitable Wiccan spells for Beltane include love and creativity.

Midsummer/Summer Solstice- June 21

Midsummer or the summer solstice marks the longest day of the year. Now, the Holly King vanquishes the Oak King and we begin our long descent toward the darkness of winter. It’s a time to plan and to take stock of the year so far. Spells for confidence and decision-making are appropriate.

Lammas – August 1

At Lammas, we can see that summer is fading as we prepare to gather the first harvest. It’s a time for Wiccan spell work around riches, appreciation and contemplation.

Autumn Equinox – September 21

This is the time for rest after labour and planning for the future as we head towards Samhain and complete the Wheel of the Year. Balance, flow and self-discipline are also hallmarks of this festival.

For spells, rituals and recipes to celebrate each festival, you may download my Wheel of the Year guide Simple Wiccan Magick Spells & Ritual Ceremony.

Blessed be!

Wheel of the Year, Wiccan Traditions

Wiccan Imbolc Spells & Rituals Feb 1, 2014

Imbolc Rituals 2014On February 1, 2014, Wiccans will celebrate the Wheel of the Year festival of Imbolc or Candlemas. It’s a traditional time for initiation rituals and for spells that celebrate the return of longer days.

Another theme for Imbolc is “energy flowing beneath the surface,” which can take on many symbolic meanings.  My Simple Wiccan Magick Wheel of the Year Guide has a spell to help you release any blocked energy – love, creativity, happiness – so you can attract more of the same.

Imbolc Correspondences

Flowers: Snowdrops, primrose, any white flowers

Stones: crystal, amethyst, rose quartz

Herbes: celandine, angelica, basil, bay, benzoin

Initiation Herbes: eyebright, hyssop

Imbolc Feast

Celebrate Imbolc by placing aqua, white or silver candles on your table. Decorate with snowdrops, primrose and other early spring flowers. White wine is an appropriate beverage, as are drinks make with milk.

Imbolc Menu

Mixed Green Salad

Salmon Leek Loaf

Bread Pudding

These recipes can be found in my Wheel of the Year Guide or in my Simple Wiccan Magick Witches’ Cook Book.

Blessed be!

Wheel of the Year ,

Wiccan Spells for Full Wolf Moon January 16, 2014

Howling WolfThe full moon on January’s 16, 2014 is known as Wolf Moon, Quiet Moon or Chaste Moon. As it occurs early in the morning on the 16th, you may want to start your spell work on January 15, in order to take advantage of the powers of the waxing moon. It’s the perfect time to cleanse and charge your tools for the next Wiccan sabbat, Imbolc, which takes place on February 1st.

Flowers associated with this month are carnations and snowdrops; stones are garnet and jet. Because the sun sign Capricorn, (December 22 – January 20), rules, the full moon is in the opposite sign of Cancer.


During a full moon in Cancer, you might be more sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others, particularly if they are negative. So, this is a good time for cleansing rituals.  My eBook Simple Wiccan Magick Spells for Everyday has a house cleaning and blessing spell. Love spells and others regarding the family and home life are also traditional with a Cancer full moon.


Do you want romantic love, a new companion or partner? Do you want to rekindle the flame with your current love?  Do you want more love and togetherness among your family and friends? Do you want to love yourself more? These are the questions to ask yourself before you proceed with any love spell. You can use your own love spell or the one from my Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells & Rituals, where you will create a talisman to help you remember to channel the energies of the ceremony. You will also need a rose quartz stone, vervain oil and incense and a pink candle.


Tuna Casserole Niçoise

New Potatoes

Tarragon Green Beans

Apple Clafouti

You can use your own recipes or the ones above , which are available in my Full Moon Spells or Witches’ Cook Book.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals